Friday, February 17, 2012

And....I'm done

Such mixed feelings, but the happy news is that this cycle worked!!!! I'm pregnant!! Yay!!! Just trying to adjust my thought process now and switch out of diet mode :) my doc told me that I should stop my running program. I actually miss it! But, I guess I can always try again after this little one arrives!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Dropped another two pounds in the last two days...hopefully these stay gone too!  I'm getting damn close to being halfway done!!

But apparently my body is not happy with the fairly rapid weight gallbladder specifically (I'm sure my knees are breathing a sigh of relief).  No puking this time, just lots of pain.  boo.  I dreamt about searching for and then eating tons of tums last night, so obviously it was bugging me in my sleep.  It took me until I got to work this morning to realize what it was.  And looking back...I had this pain almost every night at bedtime right after I had my son (another period of really rapid weight loss for me)...and the last puking gallbladder attack I had was the cycle that we got pregnant with my son...I had switched to a "fertility" diet and was losing weight pretty quickly.  Ugh.  Hopefully it doesn't hang around long this time...I can handle it if its just a random occurrence. 

Monday, February 6, 2012


Run felt good, but was apparently really slow. Still burnt 186 calories. Glad I went because I really didn't want to. :) I also am debating keeping a dance game I got for my niece (she got another copy, so I need to return it), but it might be fun exercise :)

Week 4 weigh-in

I lost 2.3 pounds last week!  Much better than the .3 the week before.  And for being only 4 weeks in, I can't complain! 

Total lost:  11.2 lbs

% lost: 6.64%

37% of the way towards my goal!

And I'm still way ahead of my 1.5 lbs a week goal line (the red one).

I feel good about this weekend...yesterday was the Super Bowl.  Plans that we had fell through, so we stayed home.  I wanted to still feel festive, so I made homemade chicken nuggets, coconut shrimp with a spicy apricot soy dipping sauce, cajun roasted chick peas, and some buffalo chicken dip.  I veggies...but at least it was SB approved!  We ate it in the living room, all three of us sitting on the floor and using the ottoman as our table.  It felt fun and little different :)  DS adored the chickpeas! 

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Everything about that run was wrong. Alerts weren't coming through at first , so I missed the first few runs before I figured it out...then we had a run in with some aggressive dogs. After that, Cooper got off his leash. And then my phone (and therefore my music and intervals) died.

But... At least I ran. I really didn't want to tonight, but I did (even if it wasn't great). I'm calling it a win. Old me would have said it was too cold/wet/whatever.

And good news on the TTC front. If I make it through tomorrow without AF, it's my longest cycle in a looking time and at least the crinone is helping my LPD!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Taking the night off from running. Looking forward to trying a daylight run tomorrow! And I ordered a running vest that has some reflective parts and pockets to hold my phone. Yay! I looked at retractable leash/flashlights but decided to hold off.

I was down to 157.2 this morning, so I'm hoping for a good weigh in on Monday!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Hungry and hormonal tonight. Not a pretty combo. I might head to bed early, just to skip it all.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Man, that was a tough one today! My knees were hurting from the beginning, I was too warm, and my legs felt like lead, but shaving time off! 13:30 avg run pace. Getting better! And I made myself sprint the last run segment!

Yesterday I tried a recipe for faux choc chip cookie dough made from chickpeas... It actually wasn't too bad!!  It would have been better if it had been made with the brown sugar and oats it called for instead of skipping the oats and using was shocking!  Cooper even wanted some ;)