Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My get up and go has got up and went...

(and I hanker for a hunk of cheese!)  I'm not sure why this popped into my head this morning...but do YOU remember these? HA!

So..having a tough time getting myself motivated at night to exercise, so to compensate, I've been extra good with my diet.  And today it paid off!  I weighed in at 146.9!  only 1.6 pounds from a normal BMI!!  I'm fully expecting that number to go back up some tomorrow, but it was still really fun to see :) 

I was thinking yesterday about how my favorite thing that we are doing right this time is that DH and I are in this together!!  Its so nice to have someone that eats what you do, weighs in when you do, is as obsessed as you are...its really helpful for keeping on track! 

Friday, April 13, 2012

W2D3 - Again

I did it! I finally got my butt off the couch and resumed C25K!  I just picked up where I left off, repeating the last day I had done.  And it was tough!  But, when I got home, I realized that I had my fastest time to date, so I think I was pushing harder than before.  I was pretty sore this morning, but it seems to be loosening up through out the day.  

And, while this is good progress, I can't help but feel a bit embarrassed that I'm so sore, tired and out of breath from the little bit of running that it actually entails so far...I constantly feel like I'm taking the easy way out by doing this and not just diving into running as long as I can possibly go. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I guess I have run out of excuses...I have at least one more month of weight loss ahead of me, so...DAMMIT!  Bring it! 

Still hovering just under 150 each morning...that's exciting.  And helped me to avoid bagel day today at work, even though I desperately wanted one, feeling a strong desire for some some comforting carbs :( 

Monday, April 9, 2012

A new decade!

Well...I have felt like I have really been struggling with getting back into the swing of things after the whole miscarriage debacle, but as of this morning, I am down 7.5 pounds since then (some of which was re-losing the little bit I had gained...so I think that is why I constantly felt like I was getting no where.)  AND!  I finally broke into the 140's!  I'm fully expecting for that to be a fluke and be back up tomorrow, but I'll take it today...149.7!  only 4.7 pounds away from being a normal BMI!

I still haven't managed to start exercising...I should write down the list of my pathetic excuses I've come up with...