Thursday, May 10, 2012

27 more days to shred

Three days down! I'm proud of myself because I was so freaking sore today and still did it. I just can't do the pushups while sore, so DH suggested doing wall pushups if needed. That was doable! Weight was up a bit this morning (145.6), but that was to be expected with swelling/water retention.

Tomorrow is my appt with my RE. I typed out all of my cycle info since getting pg with DS, just to make sure I have it right. I'm kind of nervous...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

4 Months of Dieting!

My hubby just informed me that today is 4 months since we started our I thought that deserved a post about the numbers and results so far.
Starting weight (1/9)= 168.6
Starting BMI = 28.9
Current weight (5/9)= 144.8
Current BMI = 24.9 - NORMAL!!!
Pounds lost = 23.8
Pounds left to goal of 135 = 9.8
Pounds per week average = 1.7
Percentage of body weight lost = 14.12%
Percentage complete = 70.8%
And, since I have at least 30 days till my next possible BFP, I decided to give the 30 Day Shred a whirl.  I did it last night and it wasn't bad!  It was certainly challenging, but doable, so that's great!  I took some measurements this morning to compare against at the end of the month..
5.9.12- morning after first shred
Waist: 30
Hips: 40
Rt thigh: 23.5
Rt bicep relaxed: 11
Bust (with regular, lightly padded bra). 37.5

And I don't know what has changed about my body in the last week, but I'm suddenly no longer disgusted with how I look.  I certainly still see the extra pounds, but I no longer see a fat, or even chubby, woman looking back at me in the mirror.  My waist is defined, the lumps are mostly gone, my arms are thinner, and best of all, my face has lost its puffiness!
I feel really good about my progress, because that even includes taking about 6 weeks off for the whole pregnancy fiasco.  I only had one week where I truly went off the South Beach lifestyle, and that was the week that I was wallowing in self pity after my D&E.  I think that we have managed to really change out lifestyle and eating habits!  And THAT, is the key to keeping this off I think!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Silver linings are a funny thing...

So, 13dpo and its a BFN.  ugh.  I had SUCH a good feeling about this cycle too.  But, I bit the bullet yesterday and called my RE, I have an appt with him on Friday to talk about next steps.  Guessing that I will do one more month on clomid while waiting to be able to cycle with him.  I have some really generous friends that have offered me some injectible meds that they had left over, so I'm guessing that is what we will do!!  I need to find out how $$ IUI is and decide if we want to throw that into the mix too?  or just try for better egg quality and a good lining?  (I definitely want to add a trigger though...)

The silver lining to all of this?  I AM NO LONGER OVERWEIGHT!!!!  I finally broke my plateau and this morning I weighed in at 144.8, giving me a BMI of 24.9 which is NORMAL!!  YAHOO!!  I'm sure it will bounce back up a little bit in the next week or so, because that was a big drop, but I have one other thing to comfort me...  After having my pants literally falling off of me yesterday at work, I went shopping for some new pants last night. 

The ones I wore to work yesterday were size 12s that used to be tight...
So I took 10's and 8's into the fitting room.  Tried on the 8's first, they fit GREAT!!!  I was so excited that I was in single digits!  And then, I looked at them and realized that they would be too big in a few more pounds lost, so I decided to throw caution to the wind and try on some 6's.  Um...they effin fit!!  They were pulling a bit at the crotch, but they fit with no sucking in and minimal muffin toppage!  Sadly, the store was oddly short on 6's in anything but black, and I already have a pair of black pants that fit ok now, so..I ended up finding a pair of 8 petite pants that fit great and got those! recap, I wore size 12 pants to work yesterday when I can really wear a six if I want to have on hoochie mama pants!  HA!  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Progesterone is the devil!

The side effects are killing me!  I have all of the pregnancy symptoms right now and I'm not remotely far enough along into the 2WW for it to be remotely for a real reason..ugh!  alternating between nausea and STARVING, exhausted, my boobs are killing me, and the other day, I cried over an episode of Doc McStuffins... ugh. 

Weight is doing ok...hovering at 146.2 for a few days...hoping to get to that magic "normal" bmi number this week!!